How to Help a Student
It begins with a conversation. Not always as easy as it sounds, right? The How to Talk to a Student section gives you a number of options for introducing mental health concepts and specific concerns, and encouraging a student to take action to improve his/her health and wellbeing.
Once a student is able to identify behaviors and feelings that may be getting in the way of achieving his/her goals, the next step is starting down the road to taking better care of him/herself. Encouraging your students to visit the Self-Care Tools section of this website is a tangible way to show your support.
If a student is experiencing a mental health issue, he or she may have questions about whether to share details with others. The To Disclose or Not to Disclose section provides some insights you can share with students struggling with these questions.
Supporting an individual student who is facing a mental health or behavioral challenge may require you to make accommodations. The practical suggestions included in Supporting Students in Class can help you help them -- without disrupting your class or compromising other students’ opportunities to thrive.